Creating a safe environment is our number one priority. It is beyond compromise and we are responsible to ensure everyone is protected.
Safety is a core value at Repsol Sport Centre. We pride ourselves in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for everyone that enters our tent. Paramount to our Safety strategy, the Centre has rolled out many different types of staff and facility programs and strategies to improve our safety culture, build teamwork and get employee buy-in.
The Centre also brings together our Senior Leadership Team, Manager Team, Sport Partners, and our Tenant Leadership Teams to incorporate safety guidelines in all our operations, and to discuss, identify and take action on the facilities safety recommendations.
Re-caulking of competition pool
Resurfaced Gym floors and painted lines
Water fountain replacements throughout the facility– tracks number of bottles saved
Replaced every flush valve in the facility
Updated and moved all lines to the chlorine room
Added chlorine directional sock flag
Upgraded automation system
2 brand new air conditioning condensers
Replaced one compressor on main building chiller
Upgraded PA system throughout facility to improve dead spots
Exterior fire hydrant repairs
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
Standard First Aid and CPR certifications
Respect in the Workplace
Supervisory Safety Responsibilities
Facility wide staff Safety training and refreshers
Joint Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Committee identifies and prevents potential threats, hazards, injuries and accidents
Human Resources complies with Occupational Health and Safety laws
OH&S Officer implements accident investigation
Operations & Facility Services executes incident investigations, building safety and mechanical audits, chemical hazard standards and proper lifting techniques
Rewards & Recognition program provides staff members the ability to reward other staff members that demonstrate our safety values
Conducted Ergonomic Evaluations for offices and operational staff